Virtual Interpreting: How to Prepare and Deliver Ethically and Effectively | Sign Language Studios, LLC

Event Type


Virtual Workshop
Presented in English
April 11, 2024 
5:00pm - 8:00pm CENTRAL TIME
0.3 PS CEUs

About this workshop: 
This workshop will focus on the rapid changing role and responsibilities of the sign language interpreter as the world shifts to using the virtual, 2-D format more and more. We will take a hard look at the ethics involved with virtual formats and how they impact the content and flow of the interpreted event. The ethical portion will focus on Social Emotional Learning aspects and the impact the virtual environment has on communication/comprehension for everyone involved.

Interpreters across the country are finding much of the work they used to do in-person is being shifted to the online format. Thereby having to change gears visually, mentally, and emotionally while at the same time learn to master new, technological challenges to meet the demands of all their consumers. This workshop will also discuss the challenges of teaming effectively using virtual formats, and the nuances of navigating small and large group virtual meetings. The participants will have the opportunity to interpret pre-recorded material and practice how to record, download and share their products. We will spend a good amount of time at the beginning of the workshop discussing the many programs being used in the market successfully, and how to use some of them. We will experiment as a group with Zoom, Googleduo, QuickTime, and Loom.

Presenter Bio: 
Sabrina Smith, PhD, has been involved in the interpreting field for over 20 years. She is Nationally certified through RID: CI and CT, as well as NIC Master and Ed:K-12. She works as an educational interpreter and has been interpreting in the school system for over 20 years. She enjoys encouraging interpreters of all levels and mentoring people across the United States. She works as a freelance interpreter, and as a performing arts interpreter for theatre’s and concert venues in her area. She has presented various workshops across the country. She worked as a video relay interpreter with Sorenson Communications for over 14 years. Feel free to contact her about mentoring, presenting, or just general questions about the field of interpreting at

Should you require any accommodations, please contact us: This event upholds nondiscriminatory practices and encourages a learning environment of mutual respect and free from bias. Sign Language Studios is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This program will offer 0.3 PS CEUs, at the little/none Content Knowledge Level.

For a full refund, cancel registration by April 1, 2024.

Updated: January 19, 2024