
Below are links to program content created by the Library Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing and Nashville Public Library's Wishing Chair Productions.
Deaf Journeys

The Deaf Journeys Series features brief interviews or oral/signed histories of Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind community members in an effort to document some of their life experiences. 

Interpreted Marionette Shows

The Nashville Public Library's Wishing Chair Productions has a rich history of providing marionette shows to children. Several of the shows have been edited to include ASL interpreters.  Choose and view shows with an interpreter: Interpreted Marionette Shows  

Signing Story Time

Each of our Signing Story Time videos provides instruction how how to sign 5 or more basic signs you can use with your child.  The signs are helpful for both deaf and hearing infants and toddlers alike.

Updated: November 21, 2023