Here are answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions we receive...
What are your public hours?
9:00am – 5:00pm (Central Time), Monday – Friday OR by appointment
My materials are due and you are never there when I call. How can I communicate with you?
Please leave a message on our voicemail: (615) 862-5750; text: (615) 970-8105; videophone: (615) 290-5211; or e-mail us at Someone will return your call as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
What is the Library Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (LSDHH)?
- Reference & Lending collection of books, media programs, and assistive devices – for adults and children
- Information & Referral Services
- Demonstration area of Assistive Devices beneficial for people with hearing loss
- Programming
- Special Programming for people who are D/deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind
- In-Service Training for Librarians & Community
- Public Awareness Programming
- Literacy-related Programming
- Website: – also accessible from the NPL Home Page – scroll over "Services;" click on "Accessibility;" and click on "Library Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing"
Who may borrow materials from LSDHH?
Nashville Residents
Any Nashville Public Library cardholder in good standing may borrow materials. "Holds" may be placed on any print or media item (DVDs, CD-ROMs) to be picked up at any NPL location. Equipment may ONLY be picked up and returned to the Library Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing located on the 3rd floor of the Main Library.
Tennessee Residents living outside Nashville
Anyone living in the State of Tennessee may borrow materials, free of charge. We also “ship” materials via UPS directly to the patron and pay return shipping fees. Please see our “Rules for Borrowing.”
What if I live in a state bordering Tennessee, but work in Tennessee. May I still borrow materials from your library?
No, you must be a Tennessee resident because primary funding for the program comes from the Nashville Public Library and an appropriation by the Tennessee State Legislature to LSDHH, in cooperation with the TN State Library and Archives.
How long may I keep the materials I borrow?
ALL materials in the Library Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing collection have a 3-week loan period. We have automatic renewals if no one has a "hold" placed on the item(s) you borrowed.
If the materials I borrowed were shipped to me via UPS, do you need to have them back at the library on the "Due Date"?
No, BUT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE to contact us on or before the "Due Date" to inform us that you are ready to have the box picked up - no later than the "Due Date." (You will receive an email notification from the Nashville Public Library of the Due Date a few days before the items are actually due.)
Can I renew the materials I have borrowed?
Print and media items are automatically renewed for additional 3-week periods, if no one has placed a "hold" on the item(s).
Digital items are NOT automatically renewed.
Do you charge overdue fines for late materials?
NO! We do not charge overdue fines.
However, if the items are more than 30 days late in being returned, you will be billed the full value of the items not returned.
How do I pay for lost or damaged items?
For people we have shipped materials to...please write a check Payable To: Nashville Public Library and place it inside a well marked envelope with your items when they are mailed back to us.
Of course, you may also mail the fine to us.
Updated: October 27, 2023