Power Exchanges and Interpreting | Sign Language Studios, LLC

Sign Language Studios, LLC

This event is in a virtual/online event.

Event Date
Contact Phone
(615) 200-0237 (Voice)
Alternate Phone
(615) 434-5676 (Video Phone)
Event Type
Professional Development,

Virtual Workshop 
Presented in ASL

February 8, 2024 from 5pm - 7pm CENTRAL TIME
0.2 PPO CEUs

Workshop Description: 
Join Renee Phillips, a high school teacher and social justice advocate, while she explores the intricacies of power dynamics when collaborating with Deaf and Hearing Black and IPOC (indigenous people of color) interpreters and consumers, with a specific focus on the unique challenges faced by white interpreters. This workshop is crafted to enhance your ability to identify and navigate power dynamics, fostering empowerment among your BIPOC interpreting peers and promoting balanced power exchanges with your Deaf BIPOC clients.

Presenter Bio:
Renee Phillips holds a BA from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in Liberal Arts, specializing in non-profit leadership. Actively engaged in various pursuits, she participates in the Non-Profit Leadership Summit in Chicago. By day, Renee serves as a high school teacher and is concurrently pursuing certification as a CDI. Honored with the Optimist Scholarship Award, she passionately advocates for others' well-being, leading discussions on social justice and systemic racism.

Educational Outcomes: 
1. Interprets will be able to identify Power exchanges

2. Interpreters will be able to recognize when those exchanges happens

3. Interpreters will be able to describe how to minimize negative impact.

Should you require any accommodations, please contact us at kayla@signlanguagestudiosllc.com prior to January 25, 2024. This event upholds nondiscriminatory practices and encourages a learning environment of mutual respect and free from bias. Sign Language Studios is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This program will offer 0.2 PPO CEUs, at the Some Content Knowledge Level.

For a full refund, cancel registration by Feb. 1, 2024.

Updated: January 2, 2024