Interview Bloopers

Interview Bloopers: A Comical Look at Interviewing Deaf Applicants-Demonstrates common errors people make when using an interpreter and interaction with a deaf person during an interview. This is done using a situation role play followed by a discussion of the inappropriate behaviors presented (1983)

The New Interview Bloopers - This lighthearted videotape is designed for hearing managers and supervisors who will be performing an employment interview with a deaf person and interpreter for the first time. It is also useful for people who have questions about what is or is not legal when soliciting information and for helping professionals understand the feelings a deaf person may have during an improper interview (1995)

Gallaudet University Career Center
Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet College Television, 1983, 1995
Communicative Issues/Advice
Interview Bloopers

Updated: May 28, 2019