Complexities in Educational Interpreting: An Investigation into Patterns of Practice

"Interpreters are key members of the educational team for students who are dependent upon sign language interpretation to access the general curriculum and educational environment. This book reports a multifaceted 5-year investigation into the patterns of practice of educational interpreters working in K-12 school settings with children who are deaf and hard of hearing in the United States. The investigation included a national survey of educational interpreters, a national Summit of educational interpreters, review of the current literature, analysis of a national assessment instrument for educational interpreting competencies, review of interpreter education curricula, case study of one interpreter education program, and meetings with state educational agency representatives. The audience for this book includes federal and state decision-makers, parents, educators, practitioners, and other stakeholders."--

Marty M. Taylor, Brenda S. Schick, Susan Brown, and Laurie Bolster
Edmonton, AB: Interpreting Consolidated, 2018
Educational Interpreting

Updated: January 29, 2021