Music City Audiology


Picture of an ear with a music note inside next to "Music City Audiology"
Organization Contact Name
Jason Baker, Au.D.
(615) 208-6448 (Voice)
Organization Description
Hearing aids

Let’s discuss the technology available and find a solution that is right for you

Earmold impressions

Great for musicians looking for in-ear monitors

Custom hearing protection

Keep those ears safe. Specialized products for musicians/concert-goers, swimmers, hunters, travelers, motorcyclists, mechanics/construction workers

Ear canal cleaning

Don’t let those ear canals get plugged up. Cerumen (earwax) removal is a normal part of ear canal management and will assist in your success with your devices

Device cleaning & troubleshooting

Let’s make sure your devices are working at their best. Services include cleaning, connectivity, and proper use of all ear-related devices including hearing aids, hearing protection & in-ear monitors

Audiology consults

Curious about your hearing? Schedule a consult today. This will include a comprehensive hearing exam, extensive review of the results, and a discussion of devices that are tailored to your exact needs


Updated: December 14, 2023

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