Hawaii Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)


Hawaii Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Organization Description

Hawai‘i RID, Inc. is an affiliate chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, a non-profit professional organization dedicated to the advancement of the field of professional interpreting. As an organization, HRID strives to foster a community of interpreters that learn and grow together as professionals. 

Coming together from across the state has never been easier! Meeting together on Zoom proves to be the perfect solution to our island community. Join us at our next meeting!

HRID strives to welcome ASL interpreters, people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, Blind, and others who have an interest in the field of sign language interpreting. As an organization we aim to be inclusive - to listen and share ideas with each other and to do so respectfully, regardless of race, culture, gender identity, & physical ability. The board welcomes communication in the event that this is not supported by the actions of HRID members and is committed to working towards resolution and growth.

Updated: January 10, 2024

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