Astro Woke


The capital letter "A" sitting on top of a wider letter "W." The two letters are surrounded by a triangle. The graphic is in front of a black circle with two thin circular green lines inside.
Organization Contact Name
Astro Woke
Email Address
Organization Description

Astro Woke is a digital platform that discusses Evolutionary, Traditional, & Modern Astrology.

Astro Woke developed the first accessible astrological curriculum and content for Deaf people. Founded during the heart of the pandemic in April 2020, we began with a few online workshops and classes for small groups who wanted to learn more about astrology. Astro Woke has since evolved into a robust platform with more than 800 Deaf astrology students from countries all over the world! The amount of growth this community has experienced over the last three years solely off of Instagram continues to shake up the astrological learning field, as its rapid expansion is unprecedented.

What makes the Astro Woke program different from others is that the Deaf community not only focuses on the knowledge of astrology but also the collaboration and access. Antonia Venesse Guy created Astro Woke with the intention of providing knowledge with ASL access to Deaf people at an affordable cost. Members of Astro Woke have access to all the tools necessary for a sustainable access to astrological content! With around a few workshops a month with recorded sessions and live classes a year, Deaf people can stream astrological knowledge with ultimate ASL access all from the comfort of their own home.

Antonia as the founder, continues to scale and elevate the Astro Woke program all the while reminding community members of the power and strength they have always held within themselves. Astrology truly makes life better if we work according to it. That’s why I have named my business “Astro Woke”. The name epitomizes our awakening process while attaining new knowledge of the astrological realm. There are tons of resources out there talking about the significance of astrological knowledge. But in this platform, I show you how to experience more fulfillment and infuse the more aspects of life with astrological knowledge and ultimate ASL access.

Astro Woke’s Mission

Astro Woke’s Mission is to increase accessibility to the realm of Astrology for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing (DDBHH) community by providing astrological information in sign language with English captioning, and audio interpretations. A lack of astrological content in sign language and limited resources with accurate captioning were creating barriers for people to discover and explore the field. Astro Woke was founded by Antonia Guy, who is a DeafBlind astrologer themselves, so Deaf people (DDBHH) from all walks of life can have access to astrology in their native language!

Regardless of your background in astrology, I can accommodate diverse learning styles and educational backgrounds. I am looking forward to having you in all of these services in the astrology realm! Contact me for more info via email.

Astro Woke’s Values

  • To create safe space for Deaf people to be integrated with non-signing communities within the astrological field and share knowledge.
  • To create printed astrological resources by using Sign Language as the primary language.
  • To further develop the universal vocabulary and expand the astrological realm in ASL through 3-D and vernacular expression.

    Astro Woke’s Vision
  • To create safe space for Deaf people to be integrated with non-signing communities within astrological field
  • To create printed astrological resources by using Sign Language as the primary language
  • To further expand the astrological realm in ASL through 3-D and vernacular expression
  • I believe that astrology is the power for you to take control of your life, and astrology is the key element of transforming your biggest weaknesses into greatest superpowers.

    Astro Woke Services With Venesse Guy

Are you curious to know more about yourself astrologically?

Are you coming here to delve deeper into your birth chart and to find your life purpose? Did you ever ask yourself why you are you here on this planet?

Astrology is the perfect tool to truly explore “WHY” and it brings light to your life’s purpose, and to find the past, present, and future of a situation in your life today for your awakening.

You’ve come to the right place and enjoy exploring here astrologically!


Updated: January 19, 2024

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