National Hearing Loss Resources

Displaying Results 1 - 2 of 2


St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf delivers exceptional listening and spoken language solutions for children with hearing loss, reflecting the charism of the Sisters of St Joseph of…

Categories: Affiliate Agency located in Indianapolis, Audiology, Family Support, iHear Teletherapy Services for Children 3-18, IN and Option Schools, Preschool, Private School for the Deaf, Private Therapy for Children 0-18, Toddler Class
Location Type


To create a community of interpreters that collaborates to grow as a profession and in turn provide the highest quality of communication access to the Deaf community of New Mexico. The mission of the New Mexico…

Categories: Interpreter, Interpreter Advocacy, Interpreter Association, Interpreter Licensure Information, Interpreter Organization, Interpreter Resources, Interpreter Scholarships, Interpreter Support, Interpreter Training, Interpreter Workshops, Interpreters, Interpreting Training, Interpreting Workshops, Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Affiliate
Location Type