National Hearing Loss Resources

Displaying Results 1 - 9 of 9
  • CODA - Children of Deaf Adults, is a non-profit organization for adult, hearing sons and daughters of deaf parent(s). Since 1983, CODA has grown to include people from many different countries…

  • At Lighthouse Louisiana our mission is to empower people with disabilities through services, employment, and advocacy.

    Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in New Orleans and…

  • NMSBVI, an innovative leader and unifying entity in the field of educating students birth-high school who are blind or visually impaired, will identify and ensure quality education through…

  • Cincinnati Children’s will improve child health and transform delivery of care through fully integrated, globally recognized research, education and innovation.

    For patients from our…

  • PILEA Play is a community space for young children and their families to play, create, investigate, and build community.

    They are an inclusive play-space that is Deaf owned.  PILEA…

  • Our mission is to create resources that help ALL families build bonds of love and language. This happens when parents are the first teachers and have the support and resources they need to create…

  • The Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (VABVI) is the only private agency to offer training, services, and support to visually impaired Vermonters. 

    Their mission…