National Hearing Loss Resources

Displaying Results 1 - 10 of 10
    The Clerc Center, a federally funded national deaf education center, ensures that the diverse population of deaf and hard of hearing students (birth through…

  • MSAD serves students with varying degrees of hearing loss from all regions of the state. Our students have direct access to a challenging and rewarding education, provided in an environment rich…

  •  Peter’s Picture: An Educational Video Series in American Sign Language (ASL)
    Peter’s Picture was developed for children…

    That Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in the State of Oklahoma have the same opportunities as all children to be successful in a barrier-free environment.

  • Project Services Information
    Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project provides technical assistance to children, families, SoonerStart, Oklahoma Public Schools,…

  • We feel that children are only as strong as the community they live within and the support they are given.  Parents are supported with a network of passionate parents, teachers, and…

  • Diagnostic and (re)habilitative services for children and adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. There is a fee charged for services rendered.
  • 1) Teach lipreading skills & communication strategy for better comprehension of speech; 2) assist in dealing with hearing loss; 3) present coping skills; and 4) conduct workshops and in-house…
  • Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children promotes early identification and intervention for children who are deaf or hard of hearing and helps them develop their maximum potential through…