Washington State Association of the Deaf


Organization Description

The mission of the Washington State Association of the Deaf is to promote, protect and preserve the rights and quality of life of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the state of Washington.

The Washington State Association of the Deaf, operated by, of, and for the Deaf community, advocates and promotes to improve the quality of life for deaf and hard of hearing individuals including but not limited to deaf-blind individuals, parents of deaf children, interpreters, late deafened adults, Children of Deaf Adults (CODA), regardless of ethnic background, sexual orientation and religious by:

  • Empowering deaf /hard of hearing individuals to exercise self-determination, independence, and a better means for quality of life necessary to lead, self- reliant and productive lives in Washington State;
  • Advocates for equal opportunities in social, educational and employment opportunities;
  • Educating and protecting our rights to accessible services, and equipment;
  • Recognizing and promoting awareness that American Sign Language (ASL)
    is the primary natural language for most deaf individuals and should be utilized to the fullest extent possible;
  • Recognizing American Sign Language (ASL) as a foreign language for high school and college credits, and
  • Preserving and respecting our culture and heritage.

Updated: June 21, 2024

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