The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges | Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services


815 South Utica Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74104
United States

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(918) 584-8607 (Voice)
Organization Description

Our Mission
Provide opportunities for youth and adults with physical challenges to enhance the quality of their lives.

Deaf Services
Deaf Services (DS) serves the needs of those who are culturally deaf by providing training and advocacy to meet both cultural and communication needs through individualized services and group trainings and workshops. One-on-one services include budget assistance, assistance with written correspondence and forms, medical guidance and advocacy, and legal assistance. Group trainings cover a range of topics of interest to the deaf community, such as the voting process, enrollment in Medicaid, etc. DS sponsors the Deaf Teen Club for ages 14 to 18. Programming includes social, educational, and volunteer components. DS collaborates with other agencies to better serve their mutual clients.

In addition to those who are culturally deaf, many people who are hard-of-hearing or have some degree of hearing loss also need assistance with understanding paperwork and working through processes and procedures. They also are in need of an advocate to resolve issues of communication and remove barriers. DS has worked to meet the needs of this population through individual services, workshops and trainings. DS works to empower all deaf and hard-of-hearing clients to learn how to problem solve and how to access resources.

Interpreter Services
The Interpreter Services (IS) program works as a third-party billing source to provide qualified interpreters statewide 24/7. The goal of this program is to provide accessibility. The Cente matches businesses, schools, courts, hospitals and other entities with certified interpreters. The Center maintains the highest ethical standards and practices so that the consumer is ensured a quality experience and proper communication is achieved. IS provides a voice for the deaf consumer and ends dependency on parents, siblings and other family members to serve as interpreters.

The IS Program is one of three interpreting service providers in the state. ADA law requires that businesses that serve the public must communicate effectively with people who have communication disabilities and provide auxiliary aids and services when needed. Businesses request interpreters for their clients for medical, court, educational and other needs. Clients may also request an interpreter for a specific situation. By filling interpreter requests, we are able to meet the need of accessibility for deaf and hard-of-hearing clients as well as support businesses in remaining ADA compliant.



Updated: November 21, 2023

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