South Dakota Services for the Deaf


South Dakota Services for the Deaf

South Dakota Services for the Deaf
4101 W 38th St.
Suite 101
Sioux Falls, SD 57106
United States

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Organization Contact Name
SDSD - Sioux Falls Office
(605) 367-5200 (Voice)
Alternate Phone
(605) 496-9058 (Video Phone)
Organization Description

South Dakota Services for the Deaf, formerly the South Dakota School for the Deaf (SDSD), was established in 1880 to serve children identified as deaf or hard of hearing. SDSD’s mission is to be a partner in educational success for children from birth through high school graduation. SDSD serves as a resource by providing informed, evidence-based consultation to families, schools, and educational teams statewide, in addition to both screening and diagnostic audiology services, and multidisciplinary evaluations. SDSD is devoted to delivering the specialized educational services and resources for South Dakota children who are deaf and hard of hearing, leading to their full and active participation.

Updated: May 15, 2023

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