Sonic Alert
The story of Sonic Alert dates back to 1972. Sonic Alert’s founder Adam Kollin had a deaf grandmother living alone in Pontiac, Michigan. He regularly made the thirty minute drive to visit her, but often returned home without seeing her as she usually did not hear him knocking on the door. It was frustrating that he could see her through the window but could not get her attention. It was even more frustrating because his grandmother felt so isolated and lonely.
Over the following forty years Adam has continued to develop new and innovative products for the Hearing Impaired community and today Sonic Alert products are available in over 40 countries.
Our latest product line is the “HomeAware” system which alerts you to sounds around your home by means of visible, audible and tactile sensations. This highly advanced system is based on a sophisticated mesh network technology that constantly monitors the system’s performance, providing peace of mind, knowing that your system is always there when you need it, even when the power goes out in your home. Many people buy the HomeAware system for their elderly parents to help reduce their isolation as they will always be able to know when someone is coming to visit or is calling them on the phone. The system also provides an additional layer of safety as it can also respond to smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Updated: November 1, 2023