San Francisco Public Library Deaf Services Center
San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States
The Deaf Services Center provides in-depth resources for adults and children who are deaf or hard of hearing, their families, friends and professionals.
Collections and Services Available-
Staff provides services in American Sign Language and English
An extensive collection of books, magazines, videos and DVDs about American Sign Language, Deaf culture, interpreting, parenting, hearing loss, deafness and other related subjects
Resource files of magazine articles, newspaper clippings, book and video reviews, brochures, flyers and ephemera
Classes offered in the San Francisco Bay Area for American Sign Language, sign language interpreting, Deaf culture, deaf education and other related subjects
For SFPL sponsored programs, assistive listening devices are available as well as the following services: American sign language interpreting, English language oral interpreting and real-time captioning in English. These services cannot be guaranteed when requested less than one week in advance.
Information about other organizations that provide services for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
Video/DVD viewing on televisions equipped with closed-caption decoders
View American Culture: The Deaf Perspective, a four-part series exploring the culture and heritage of Deaf Americans, on the SFPL YouTube channel or order DVDs
Sorenson VRS videophone is available in the Deaf Services Center during open hours
Deaf Culture: Sign language, linguistics, Deaf history
Deaf Theatre: scripts and videos of deaf-themed plays, books on history of deaf theatre
Hearing Loss: Late-deafness, assistive devices (including implants), hearing loss organizations, causes of hearing loss, vertigo, otosclerosis, audiology
Updated: September 29, 2023