EARS - Emergency Awareness and Readiness Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing


EARS is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Our mission is to provide emergency preparedness training, appropriate early warning equipment, and the coordination of emergency services for the benefit of persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind. 

     Programming and community engagement are at the core of our strategy. We invest heavily in supporting the development of integrated solutions and delivering reliable tools to those who need them most.

     The "EARS Consortium" is comprised of interested individuals, organizations, and agencies interested in promoting the mission of EARS. The Consortium provides the mechanism for collaboration and partnership between deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind consumers and emergency responders in conjunction with the mission and goals of EARS.

​The Consortium works to:

  • Bring community members and emergency responders together to learn from one another
  • Identify educational opportunities for consumers and emergency responders
  • Pool resources for achieving a common goal
  • Plan and conduct workshops (in collaboration with the Program Committee)
  • Collaboratively identify funding opportunities that can be useful to the EARS programs and mission
  • Help recruit volunteers to actively serve on EARS committees and in leadership positions.

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Contact Information
Mailing address

P.O. Box 330702
Nashville, TN 37203-7541
United States


Employment Opportunities

There are no job postings at this time. Please check back again later.

Updated: February 27, 2024

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