Bus Door Films


Bus Door Films
Organization Contact Name
Bus Door Films
Organization Description

Bus Door Films, a deaf-owned film production company with nearly 30+ years of experience, offers a unique perspective for showcasing stories. Their mission is to create job opportunities for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the video and film industry, including roles behind the scenes such as directors, scriptwriters, camera operators, editors, and more. Services encompass film/video production, post-production, visual effects, consultation, advisory, and projects involving AR, VR, or grants.

Film/Video Production
Are you looking for a unique team that is committed to creating high-quality and visually stunning films all while telling stories that make a difference, yet still being inclusive and accessible? That's Bus Door Films, we're a team that is passionate about turning your vision into a reality and we have the tools to take you there. Hop on the bus with us and discover why you should take this journey with us.

  • Video Ads/Broadcast Commercials
  • Short Films
  • Full-Length Feature Films
  • Music Videos
  • Documentaries

    Post Production & Visual Effects
    Bus Door Films can handle a Bus load of editing projects, we get it! We have access to a large network of video editor professionals who are experts in a variety of areas from editing, color grading, visual effects, motion graphics, and more. Sure, anyone can click a button and start recording, but not everyone knows how to edit their videos. Color correct, add music, voice-overs, subtitles? AHH! We know it can be overwhelming, but it doesn't need to be. Reach out to us today and tell us what you need!
  • Editing
  • Color-Grading
  • Motion Graphics
  • Visual Effects (VFX)
  • Voiceovers
  • Captions

    Consultation & Advisory
    We're Bradley and Ruan, two friends that have been filming together since we were knee-high. Over the years, we've navigated a plethora of video-related problem-solving and conflict-resolution tactics that we can solve with a breeze. One of our most important areas of work is the consulting process, where we both share a common goal in what it takes to achieve your goals and we know we can get you there.
  • Creative Consultation & Mapping
  • Production Workflow
  • Video Assets Management
  • Concept Development
  • Video Equipment Training

    Other Services
    We're not just a video production company - we're a forward thinking company that is always looking for new ways to use a variety of (new) skill sets and expertises. We're excited about what the future of video production holds while staying committed to being at the forefront of innovation.
  • Government/Grant Based Projects
  • Experimental Projects
  • Partnership Opportunities
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)

Updated: January 17, 2024

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