National Hearing Loss Resources

Displaying Results 1 - 16 of 16


The Abilene Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD) serves students from birth to 22 years of age with hearing differences that significantly impact the development of language…

Categories: Day School for the Deaf, Education
Location Type

REPD provides services to deaf or hard of hearing students who are 0-22 years of age. Students in the program…

Categories: Early Childhood through High School Education, Education
Location Type

Helping your students who are deaf and hard of hearing
Students who are deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) throughout Texas have special academic needs that differ from their peers. Studies show that…

Categories: Assistive Devices, Day School for the Deaf, Education
Location Type

The Brazoria-Fort Bend Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD) has been established through a shared service arrangement between eleven (11) neighboring school districts within Fort Bend county, Brazoria…

Categories: Day School for the Deaf, Education
Location Type

The Region One ESC Special Education Program assists school systems in supporting the education and growth of students with hearing impairments.

Categories: Day Programs, Education
Location Type
Categories: Technology, Employment, Advocacy, E-Learning, Education, Training, Fundraising, Accessibility Services, Research
Location Type

Regional Day School Programs for the Deaf (RDSPD) in Texas were instituted by the Texas Education Agency to provide quality services to all students in Texas who are deaf or hearing impaired.  Due to the low…

Categories: Day School for the Deaf, Education, Itinerant Services, Parent Infant/Toddler Program
Location Type

Austin Community College in Austin, Texas is the seat of the Gallaudet University Regional Center-Midwest. GURC Midwest serves the heartland of the United States, spanning across Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,…

Categories: College Experience, Education, Postsecondary Education, Resources
Location Type

Greenville Regional Day School Program for the Deaf serves eligible students age 0-21 who reside in a member district of the Greenville Regional Day School Program for the Deaf Shared Service Arrangement Agreement.…

Categories: Day Programs in School Settings, Education
Location Type

Irving ISD offers a deaf education program at three schools: 

  • Britain Elementary School: 631 Edmondson, Irving 75060 - …

Categories: Early Childhood through High School Education, Education
Location Type

Overview of the Program
Regional Day School Services for the Hearing Impaired provides for the special education needs of hearing impaired students through a shared service arrangement.…

Categories: Day School for the Deaf, Education
Location Type
Categories: Education, Advocacy
Location Type

Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD)
Our mission is to serve students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing by providing educational challenges and opportunities which empower them…

Categories: Day School for the Deaf, Education
Location Type
Categories: Scholarship, Education
Location Type
Categories: Education, Deafblind
Location Type
Categories: Parents, Education, Advocacy
Location Type