National Hearing Loss Resources

Displaying Results 1 - 8 of 8

Virtual Resources

Deaf students face many challenges in their quest for a college education. Hearing impairment can make it difficult to navigate through an educational system that is largely focused on the needs of the hearing…

Categories: Scholarships, Scholarships and Grants
Location Type


Categories: Alcoholism Treatment, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Mental Health Treatment, Substance Abuse Treatment, Opioid Addiction Therapy, 12 Step Program, Sober Living Home, Family Therapy, Life Skills Training
Location Type
Categories: Adult Literacy, Behavioral Health, Mental Health, Case Management, Advocacy, Employment, Interpreting Services, Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Substance Abuse Services, Youth and Family Services, ASL Classes, Camps
Location Type


TDI (also known as Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc.) was established in 1968 originally to promote further distribution of TTYs in the deaf community and to publish an annual national directory of TTY numbers.…
Categories: Captioned Media, Publications, Telecommunications Services
Location Type


Categories: Awareness, Advocacy, Scholarships and Grants
Location Type

Sertoma seeks to improve the quality of life today for those at risk or impacted by hearing loss through education and support.

They are an organization that is actively seeking to raise awareness and…

Categories: Advocacy, Nationwide, Scholarships, Scholarships and Grants
Location Type


Relay New Mexico makes it possible for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty speaking to make and receive telephone calls.  When you connect with Relay New Mexico, a…

Categories: Telecommunication Assistance, Telecommunication Relay Services, Telecommunications, Telecommunications Relay Services, Telecommunications Services, Telephone Access, Telephone Communications Access, Telephone Relay, Teleservices
Location Type


Recovery Concepts LLC provides Medically Assisted Treatment to help those dealing with opiate addiction.

Our goal is to assist patients and families with the process of healing and helping themselves.

Categories: Drug Counseling, Drug Rehabilitation, Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Location Type