This DVD presents child care providers, other early childhood educators, and administrators considering an integrated child care setting, exactly what is necessary to integrate a deaf or hard of hearing child into a mainstream child care setting. It is divided into three parts:

1. Info on Deafness (28 min.): Facts about Deaf people, their language and culture; audiological aspects of hearing loss; and use of assistive devices.

2. Interagency Collaboration (20 min.): Components needed to establish and implement formal relationships between local agencies serving Deaf and hard of hearing children and early education programs.

3. Inclusion and Adaptation (23 min.): Environmental modifications needed to make early childhood programs accessible for Deaf and hard of hearing children.

* A book by the same title is also available.

Gail Solit, Maral Taylor, & Angela Bednarczyk
Washington, DC : Gallaudet University, 1992
Teacher Resources
Access for All: Integrating Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing Preschoolers

Updated: June 18, 2019 12:55pm CDT

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