
In March 1988, students at Gallaudet University led a successful protest to demand the selection of the university's first deaf president. The Deaf President Now (DPN) movement was a watershed event in American deaf history;­ it achieved self-governance for the deaf community and placed Gallaudet in the center of a national media spotlight. Controlling Our Destiny is Philip Bravin's personal perspective of these momentous events.

Philip W. Bravin
Bravin, Philip W. Controlling Our Destiny: A Board Member's View of Deaf President Now Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2020

Updated: October 28, 2021 4:01pm CDT


Spoken Language is a key component of the primary national curriculum and is fundamental to children's language development and learning. The need for teachers to develop talk in its own right and also use talk as a means of learning is central to effective primary practice. In the past, Initial Teacher Education and CPD have focused on literacy (reading and writing) to the detriment of speaking and listening. However, research strongly supports talk as fundamental to learning and teaching. It has also been identified as an area where teachers feel less confident.

Deborah Jones and Pamela Hodson, Editors
New York, NY: Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2018

Updated: October 15, 2021 2:29pm CDT


First Things First: Ensuring Auditory Access describes six evidence-based strategies to help educators, speech-language pathologists, parents, and student teachers/clinicians ensure that a child with hearing loss is receiving auditory access to spoken language. The strategies focus on understanding what a child hears and facilitating the best hearing experience for a child prior to and during intervention or teaching sessions.

Helen M. Morrison
Fort Worth, TX: Recipe SLP, 2015

Updated: October 15, 2021 2:12pm CDT


Let your fingers do the talking―a hands-on guide to American Sign Language for kids 8 to 12

American Sign Language is an amazing visual language that uses our hands, facial expressions, and body language to express ourselves to those who have difficulty hearing or speaking. Packed with colorful illustrations and reader-friendly descriptions, as well as plenty of on- and off-page activities, the Sign Language for Kids Activity Book will help you feel comfortable and confident signing in no time!

Tara Adams
Emeryville, California: Rockridge Press, 2020

Updated: October 15, 2021 1:55pm CDT


The author provides a firsthand insight into his life as a trailblazer who, despite being deaf, became a successful athlete, father, coach, and life mentor in a hearing world. 

From the book cover:

"Lost his hearing at the age of three
Dreamt of being an airline pilot
Came close to racing motorcycles
Became a high school basketball star
Was a multiple volleyball champion
Represented USA Men's Volleyball
Now a well-known volleyball legend
Helped others reach for their dreams
Never learned or used sign language"

Brian Ehlers
Independently Published, 2020

Updated: October 15, 2021 1:43pm CDT


Yuki's determined to keep getting closer to Itsuomi, but she can't help wondering... "Why must the time we spend together always be so short?"  After struggling with her feelings for Itsuomi, Yuki's chosen love, an intense heart-to-heart between the two, sitting against a laundromat window watching the falling snow, has begun to deepen their relationship. But there's still much more progress to be made, and Yuki finds the world Itsuomi inhabits intimidating...How can they keep communicating when Itsuomi drops in and out of Yuki's life?

Suu Morishita
English edition; Kodansha Comics edition. New York: Kodansha Comics, an imprint of Kodansha USA Publishing, 2021

Updated: September 30, 2021 5:29pm CDT


Yuki is a typical college student in all ways but one: She's hard of hearing. A chance encounter on a train leads to a serious crush...but will he give her a chance? Even with a hearing aid, the voices of others are an indistinct blur for Yuki. But she's never let that get in the way of a life arranged around her friends, social media, and cute fashion. She's browsing her phone on train when a tourist asks her for directions, and she's ready to panic...but the handsome Itsuomi steps in to help. It turns out her new crush is a friend of a friend, and Yuki's world starts to widen.

Suu Morishita
New York: Kodansha Comics, an imprint of Kodansha USA Publishing, 2021

Updated: September 30, 2021 5:32pm CDT


This volume is the long-awaited revision of the only textbook on primary language instruction written with classroom teachers of deaf and hard-of-hearing children (TODs) in mind. It builds on the work of the previous edition, describing the experiences of four real TODs and demonstrates practical application of the concepts discussed. Up-to-date chapters on theory of language learning, assessment, and evidence-based practice supplement specific examples of real cases in the field.

Susan R. Easterbrooks
Easterbrooks, Susan R. Language Learning in Children Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Theory to Classroom Practice Second edition., Oxford University Press, 2021

Updated: September 30, 2021 12:13pm CDT


Woody Livingston earned a college degree, had a short but successful stint as a prizefighter, traveled to Russia three times during the height of the Cold War, played hockey for charity with the Washington Capitals, and flew a small airplane ... all while being completely deaf and going blind. Before turning thirty, Woody -- struggling to live in the hearing and sighted world because of discrimination he encountered by potential employers -- is homeless, jobless, and at the end of his rope wondering whether life is worth living.

Woody Livingston
Rochester, New York: Olive Juice Publishing, 2020

Updated: September 29, 2021 5:49pm CDT