HLAA Nashville Chapter Meeting - CHANGE OF TIME & LOCATION!!

PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGED TIME AND LOCATION!!! We have a sudden change for tomorrow’s meeting (July 14th)! Due to a scheduling error, Emmanuel Lutheran Church is not available for our monthly meeting tomorrow. So, just for tomorrow, we will try something new. Here are the details: When you arrive, tell them you are with the HLAA group (or deaf/hard of hearing group). They have a special, separate room that is large enough to fit in everyone.

Updated: July 13, 2012 5:29pm CDT


Berry Festival

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elementum mattis diam nec pretium. Mauris convallis posuere varius. Donec vitae pharetra metus. Donec magna libero, faucibus sit amet fringilla sed; accumsan a est. Ut in lectus urna, nec eleifend velit. Mauris at sem id felis dapibus pellentesque nec bibendum risus. Curabitur sed dui id lacus tempor lacinia. Donec fermentum tincidunt felis, sed eleifend nibh molestie vel. Aenean porta quam in neque pretium consectetur. Nunc aliquet rutrum nibh, nec euismod eros ornare ut.

Updated: March 29, 2012 12:09am CDT