Managing Infants and Children with Hearing Loss: New Developments (

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Contact Name
Liz Upchurch

Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Continuing Education Opportunity:

This seminar is designed for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, teachers of the deaf, parents of children with hearing impairment, and all others who are working with young children with or without hearing loss. Technological advances have allowed scientists to peer into the mysterious “black box” of the brain. As a result, new information has catapulted the role of brain neuroplasticity to the front of the line in early intervention and education programs. Utilizing a research-to-practice paradigm, this session will summarize current research on brain development as related to spoken communication and literacy outcomes. Then, a rationale for early brain access and stimulation will be constructed. Current listening and speaking outcomes created by modern amplification technology will be highlighted along with strategies for obtaining those outcomes. The exciting news is that strategic intervention that capitalizes on brain neuroplasticity allows for spoken language and literacy outcomes never before imagined.

Registration: Cost is $30 for Methodist Le Bonheur employees, $40 for professionals other than Methodist Le Bonheur employees, and $10 for students. Parents of children with hearing loss should register, but can attend at no charge for the conference. A $10 boxed lunch from Holiday Ham is also available via the online registration site. Please see Holiday Ham boxed lunch options at the end of this brochure. Registration is limited to 80 people.

Please register at ( by Tuesday August 9, 2016, to reserve a place at this event. If you find that you cannot attend, cancelation is required via email at ( by Tuesday August 9, 2016. Email Liz Upchurch at ( with any registration questions. Parking information will be included in the registration confirmation email.

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POINT (-90.033556 35.144405)

Updated: July 15, 2016 10:08am CDT

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