

Facts about AIDS are presented in an easily understood story format. What is AIDS? How is AIDS acquired? How is AIDS transmitted? What can you do to protect yourself from AIDS? All of these questions and more are addressed in this specially produced program for Deaf people.

Susan Currie-Smith


If some (or all) normal sounds seem so loud they “blow your socks off”, this is the book you want to read! You don't have to avoid noise or lock yourself away in a sound-proof room. Discover which common drugs doctors prescribe that can cause hyperacusis. Learn the difference between hyperacusis, recruitment, phonophobia and hyperacute hearing. Exciting new research on this previously baffling problem reveals what you can do to help bring your hyperacusis under control.

Neil Bauman


Hearing loss often blind-sides you. As a result, your first step should be to learn as much as you can about your hearing loss; then you will be able to cope better. This most interesting book explains how your ears work, the causes of hearing loss, what you can expect to hear with different levels of hearing loss and why you often can’t understand what you hear. Lots of audiograms and charts help make things clear. You will also discover a lot of fascinating things about how loud noises damage your ears.

Neil Bauman


Have trouble hearing? Ears ringing? Room spinning? Dizzy? Find out quickly if your medications may be the culprits! The third edition of "Ototoxic Drugs Exposed" reveals the shocking truth about the specific ear-damaging effects of more than 1,000 drugs, herbals and chemicals. Just as importantly, it reveals the factors that can put your ears at higher risk, and explains how you can help reduce this risk in order to help protect your ears from the sneak attacks of ear-damaging agents.

Neil G. Bauman


Meniere’s disease is one of the more incapacitating things you can experience. If you suffer from your world spinning and have a fluctuating hearing loss together with noises in your ears, this book is for you. It explains what is known about Meniere’s, its causes and the best treatments available today. There are lots of hints that you can try out for yourself to reduce or eliminate the effects of Meniere’s disease. Since everyone is different, see what works for you.

Neil G. Bauman


If your ears ring, buzz, chirp, hiss or roar, you know just how annoying tinnitus can be. You do not have to put up with this racket for the rest of your life. Recent studies show that a lot of what we thought we knew about tinnitus is not true at all. Exciting new research reveals what you can do to eliminate or greatly reduce the severity of your tinnitus. In this book you will learn what causes tinnitus in the first place and the steps you can take to bring it under control.

Neil G. Bauman


Losing your hearing can flip your world upside down and leave your mind in a turmoil. You may be full of fears, wondering how you will be able to live the rest of your life as a hard of hearing person. You don't know where to turn. You lament, "What do I do now?" Set your mind at rest. This easy-to-read book, written by a fellow hard of hearing person, is packed with the practical knowledge and resources you need to successfully deal with your hearing loss and other ear problems.

Neil G. Bauman


Hearing loss cuts you off from the hearing world in many ways, often leaving you depressed and with little self-esteem. The good news is you don't have to let things remain that way. When you put into practice the six keys explained in "Keys to Successfully Living with Your Hearing Loss", a happier and more confident "you" will rejoin the hearing world-on your own terms.

Neil G. Bauman


When hard of hearing people begin hearing phantom voices or music, they immediately worry they are going crazy. After all, only people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses hear such sounds, right? Wrong! The truth is, thousands of sane hard of hearing people experience the spooky phantom voices. music and other sounds associated with Musical Ear syndrome. This book explains what these sounds are, what causes them, what you can do to alleviate or eliminate them, and how you can regain your peace of mind.

Neil Bauman