Educator Resources


Basic signs and law-enforcement related signs are presented. Practice sentences are also given in a Pidgin Sign Format. Designed as a training aid to improve communication between officers and deaf citizens. Part 2: Medical Signs II; Vocabulary Quiz; Police Signs; Parking & Traffic Enforcement, I & II; Descriptions I. Part 3: Verbs II; Time Sings, I & II; Miscellaneous; Sentences I. Part 4: Sentences IV, V, VI and Quizzes.

Gallaudet University


Welcome Aboard: Gives practical suggestions to teachers for modifying techniques to include deaf students in classes and answers many general questions about deafness.

The Invisible Barrier: This videotape presents some of the problems, frustrations and pleasures in the day of a deaf professional couple coping with the hearing world. The point is made that both deaf and hearing people must work to overcome the resistance and ignorance of hearing people. Deaf people can do anything, except hear! The captioning is for hearing audiences who don’t understand sign language.

Gallaudet College


Specifically developed as a current and comprehensive look at the rapidly evolving field of deaf education, this first edition text covers a wide array of critical topics regarding deaf and hard-of-hearing education including cognition, social development, personal development, myths and misconceptions, postsecondary opportunities and employment, cochlear implants, and personnel training.

Nanci A. Scheetz


Babcock’s book is based on the resulting study of tutoring writing in the college context with both deaf and hearing students and their tutors. She describes sessions in detail between deaf students, hearing tutors, and the interpreters that help them communicate, using a variety of English or contact signing rather than ASL in the tutorials. These experiences illustrate the key differences between deaf-hearing and hearing-hearing tutorials and suggest ways to modify tutoring and tutor-training practices accordingly.

Rebecca Day Babcock