Disability Day on the Hill 2024 | Webinar with Legislators
This event is in a virtual/online event.
Disability Day on the Hill is our chance to gather as a community and take part in the legislative process. Events will be held in-person at the capitol in Nashville, and we’ll also have plenty of opportunities to participate, advocate, and celebrate virtually!
There will be an interpreter for the webinar.
When completing the RSVP there is a place to describe any individual accommodations needed to participate. The deadline to request accommodations is February 1st, 2024.
Virtual Events:
February 15th - 1-2pm CT Webinar with legislators
March 11th - light up blue for Disability Advocacy Day
In-Person Events (Nashville, TN):
February 27th – 5-7pm CT Community Party (heavy appetizers provided)
February 28th – 9am-2pm CT Day on the Hill (boxed lunches provided)
Updated: December 21, 2023