


A Night of Praise in American Sign Language is an evening of worship music performed by area talent to include individual and group performances by interpreters, signers, sign language/ITP students, and deaf performers to include two corporate songs.

ALL music will be from the Christian music genre (contemporary radio, worship music, and gospel hymns). This event is FAMILY friendly and is perfect for deaf and hard of hearing people and their family, friends, as well as for those who LOVE American Sign Language.


This workshop will explore the prosodic properties of spoken language and how they impact the accuracy of voice interpretations. Participants will experience the manipulation of these properties in order to understand the changes in meaning that can occur with even minor fluctuations. Prosodic features that will be explored include: pauses, lengthening of vowels, tempo, volume, pitch, and more. The goal of this training is to provide specific strategies interpreters can immediately incorporate into their work to create interpretations that sound natural to the listener. 


This workshop will challenge interpreters to focus on details in their work that hinder conceptual accuracy, such as production errors and palm orientation. We will delve into specifics elements of ASL prosodic structure such as cheek puffing, changes in eye opening, and head movement which are used to indicate nuances in meaning and emotion. We will explore the difference between Expansion and Explanation. We will discuss strategies for properly employing Expansion and Compression at work.

This workshop is worth .35 CEUs.  


With the growing number of ITPs across the nation, interpreters are increasingly finding themselves in a mentorship role. Without formal training, how can one effectively fulfill the expectations of that role? This workshop is intended as a “how-to guide” that provides new mentors with a strong foundation to get started off on the right track and existing mentors a different take on their role.


Team Interpreting is a skill. Not only do team members have to have interpersonal skills they also need to be aware of commonly used techniques and practices. When a team Interpreter strays from these industry standards it causes tension and stress between team members and compromises the integrity of the interpreted message. In this activity current teaming strategies, interpersonal skills, and self-disclosure will be discussed as well as the results of a national teaming survey.



PRESENTER: AMY PETERSON, CDI, Georgia Statewide Deaf Services Coordinator

General:   $50.00
Students: $35.00
(Deadline to pay in full by Friday, November 1, 2013)
(Payment to KCD % Craig Lemak)


Presented by Trix Bruce!

Semantics is defined as the study of meanings expressed by the elements of a language or a combination of the elements. A concept expressed in an ASL sign often cannot be conveyed by a single all-purpose English word. Likewise, English words and phrases may have variations in meaning, which require translations using different ASL signs. This workshop helps the student advance skills in translating the languages of ASL and English. (Demonstration of Semantics: RUN) (0.4 RID CEUs)